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Gene Expression Literature Summary
In situ RNA (section)
15.5 DPC

34 matching records from 34 references.

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Ntn1  netrin 1   (Synonyms: Netrin-1)
Results  Reference
1*J:321845 Bernhardt N, Memic F, Velica A, Tran MA, Vieillard J, Sayyab S, Chersa T, Andersson L, Whelan PJ, Boije H, Kullander K, Hop Mice Display Synchronous Hindlimb Locomotion and a Ventrally Fused Lumbar Spinal Cord Caused by a Point Mutation in Ttc26. eNeuro. 2022 Mar-Apr;9(2):ENEURO.0518-21.2022
1J:297714 Brignani S, Raj DDA, Schmidt ERE, Dudukcu O, Adolfs Y, De Ruiter AA, Rybiczka-Tesulov M, Verhagen MG, van der Meer C, Broekhoven MH, Moreno-Bravo JA, Grossouw LM, Dumontier E, Cloutier JF, Chedotal A, Pasterkamp RJ, Remotely Produced and Axon-Derived Netrin-1 Instructs GABAergic Neuron Migration and Dopaminergic Substantia Nigra Development. Neuron. 2020 Aug 19;107(4):684-702.e9
1J:49908 Chedotal A, Del Rio JA, Ruiz M, He Z, Borrell V, de Castro F, Ezan F, Goodman CS, Tessier-Lavigne M, Sotelo C, Soriano E, Semaphorins III and IV repel hippocampal axons via two distinct receptors. Development. 1998 Nov;125(21):4313-23
1J:313341 Comer JD, Pan FC, Willet SG, Haldipur P, Millen KJ, Wright CV, Kaltschmidt JA, Sensory and spinal inhibitory dorsal midline crossing is independent of Robo3. Front Neural Circuits. 2015;9:36
1*J:308673 Company V, Andreu-Cervera A, Madrigal MP, Andres B, Almagro-Garcia F, Chedotal A, Lopez-Bendito G, Martinez S, Echevarria D, Moreno-Bravo JA, Puelles E, Netrin 1-Mediated Role of the Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta and Ventral Tegmental Area in the Guidance of the Medial Habenular Axons. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021;9:682067
1J:92064 Ding YQ, Yin J, Kania A, Zhao ZQ, Johnson RL, Chen ZF, Lmx1b controls the differentiation and migration of the superficial dorsal horn neurons of the spinal cord. Development. 2004 Aug;131(15):3693-703
1J:295217 Drake KA, Chaney CP, Das A, Roy P, Kwartler CS, Rakheja D, Carroll TJ, Stromal beta-catenin activation impacts nephron progenitor differentiation in the developing kidney and may contribute to Wilms tumor. Development. 2020 Jul 31;147(21):dev189597
1*J:79319 Engelkamp D, Cloning of three mouse Unc5 genes and their expression patterns at mid-gestation. Mech Dev. 2002 Oct;118(1-2):191
1J:66507 Erkman L, Yates PA, McLaughlin T, McEvilly RJ, Whisenhunt T, O'Connell SM, Krones AI, Kirby MA, Rapaport DH, Bermingham JR, O'Leary DD, Rosenfeld MG, A POU domain transcription factor-dependent program regulates axon pathfinding in the vertebrate visual system. Neuron. 2000 Dec;28(3):779-92
1*J:309045 Garcia-Guillen IM, Alonso A, Morales-Delgado N, Andres B, Puelles L, Lopez-Bendito G, Marin F, Aroca P, Netrin-1/DCC Signaling Differentially Regulates the Migration of Pax7, Nkx6.1, Irx2, Otp, and Otx2 Cell Populations in the Developing Interpeduncular Nucleus. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2020;8:588851
1*J:79830 Garel S, Yun K, Grosschedl R, Rubenstein JL, The early topography of thalamocortical projections is shifted in Ebf1 and Dlx1/2 mutant mice. Development. 2002 Dec;129(24):5621-34
1J:229411 Hakanen J, Salminen M, Defects in neural guidepost structures and failure to remove leptomeningeal cells from the septal midline behind the interhemispheric fusion defects in Netrin1 deficient mice. Int J Dev Neurosci. 2015 Dec;47(Pt B):206-15
1*J:163272 Haugas M, Lillevali K, Hakanen J, Salminen M, Gata2 is required for the development of inner ear semicircular ducts and the surrounding perilymphatic space. Dev Dyn. 2010 Sep;239(9):2452-69
1J:343095 Honeycutt SE, N'Guetta PY, Hardesty DM, Xiong Y, Cooper SL, Stevenson MJ, O'Brien LL, Netrin 1 directs vascular patterning and maturity in the developing kidney. Development. 2023 Nov 15;150(22)
1*J:261685 Jamuar SS, Schmitz-Abe K, D'Gama AM, Drottar M, Chan WM, Peeva M, Servattalab S, Lam AN, Delgado MR, Clegg NJ, Zayed ZA, Dogar MA, Alorainy IA, Jamea AA, Abu-Amero K, Griebel M, Ward W, Lein ES, Markianos K, Barkovich AJ, Robson CD, Grant PE, Bosley TM, Engle EC, Walsh CA, Yu TW, Biallelic mutations in human DCC cause developmental split-brain syndrome. Nat Genet. 2017 Apr;49(4):606-612
1*J:90754 Liu Y, Stein E, Oliver T, Li Y, Brunken WJ, Koch M, Tessier-Lavigne M, Hogan BL, Novel role for Netrins in regulating epithelial behavior during lung branching morphogenesis. Curr Biol. 2004 May 25;14(10):897-905
1*J:162220 Magdaleno S, Jensen P, Brumwell CL, Seal A, Lehman K, Asbury A, Cheung T, Cornelius T, Batten DM, Eden C, Norland SM, Rice DS, Dosooye N, Shakya S, Mehta P, Curran T, BGEM: an in situ hybridization database of gene expression in the embryonic and adult mouse nervous system. PLoS Biol. 2006 Apr;4(4):e86
1*J:257654 Memic F, Knoflach V, Morarach K, Sadler R, Laranjeira C, Hjerling-Leffler J, Sundstrom E, Pachnis V, Marklund U, Transcription and Signaling Regulators in Developing Neuronal Subtypes of Mouse and Human Enteric Nervous System. Gastroenterology. 2018 Feb;154(3):624-636
1J:310971 Mercurio S, Serra L, Motta A, Gesuita L, Sanchez-Arrones L, Inverardi F, Foglio B, Barone C, Kaimakis P, Martynoga B, Ottolenghi S, Studer M, Guillemot F, Frassoni C, Bovolenta P, Nicolis SK, Sox2 Acts in Thalamic Neurons to Control the Development of Retina-Thalamus-Cortex Connectivity. iScience. 2019 May 31;15:257-273
1J:304719 Morcom L, Gobius I, Marsh AP, Suarez R, Lim JW, Bridges C, Ye Y, Fenlon LR, Zagar Y, Douglass AM, Donahoo AL, Fothergill T, Shaikh S, Kozulin P, Edwards TJ, Cooper HM, Sherr EH, Chedotal A, Leventer RJ, Lockhart PJ, Richards LJ, DCC regulates astroglial development essential for telencephalic morphogenesis and corpus callosum formation. Elife. 2021 Apr 19;10:e61769
1J:171526 Murali D, Kawaguchi-Niida M, Deng CX, Furuta Y, Smad4 Is Required Predominantly in the Developmental Processes Dependent on the BMP Branch of the TGF-{beta} Signaling System in the Embryonic Mouse Retina. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2011;52(6):2930-7
1J:278827 Murcia-Belmonte V, Coca Y, Vegar C, Negueruela S, de Juan Romero C, Valino AJ, Sala S, DaSilva R, Kania A, Borrell V, Martinez LM, Erskine L, Herrera E, A Retino-retinal Projection Guided by Unc5c Emerged in Species with Retinal Waves. Curr Biol. 2019 Apr 1;29(7):1149-1160.e4
1J:93155 Pirvola U, Zhang X, Mantela J, Ornitz DM, Ylikoski J, Fgf9 signaling regulates inner ear morphogenesis through epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. Dev Biol. 2004 Sep 15;273(2):350-60
1J:139365 Powell AW, Sassa T, Wu Y, Tessier-Lavigne M, Polleux F, Topography of thalamic projections requires attractive and repulsive functions of Netrin-1 in the ventral telencephalon. PLoS Biol. 2008 May 13;6(5):e116
1J:45577 Przyborski SA, Knowles BB, Ackerman SL, Embryonic phenotype of Unc5h3 mutant mice suggests chemorepulsion during the formation of the rostral cerebellar boundary. Development. 1998 Jan;125(1):41-50
1*J:56021 Puschel AW, Divergent properties of mouse netrins. Mech Dev. 1999 May;83(1-2):65-75
1*J:332883 Rastegar-Pouyani S, Kennedy TE, Kania A, Somatotopy of Mouse Spinothalamic Innervation and the Localization of a Noxious Stimulus Requires Deleted in Colorectal Carcinoma Expression by Phox2a Neurons. J Neurosci. 2022 Oct 19;42(42):7885-7899
1J:89800 Schwarting GA, Raitcheva D, Bless EP, Ackerman SL, Tobet S, Netrin 1-mediated chemoattraction regulates the migratory pathway of LHRH neurons. Eur J Neurosci. 2004 Jan;19(1):11-20
1J:290119 Soleilhavoup C, Travaglio M, Patrick K, Garcao P, Boobalan E, Adolfs Y, Spriggs RV, Moles-Garcia E, Dhiraj D, Oosterveen T, Ferri SL, Abel T, Brodkin ES, Pasterkamp RJ, Brooks BP, Panman L, Nolz1 expression is required in dopaminergic axon guidance and striatal innervation. Nat Commun. 2020 Jun 19;11(1):3111
1*J:215487 Thompson CL, Ng L, Menon V, Martinez S, Lee CK, Glattfelder K, Sunkin SM, Henry A, Lau C, Dang C, Garcia-Lopez R, Martinez-Ferre A, Pombero A, Rubenstein JL, Wakeman WB, Hohmann J, Dee N, Sodt AJ, Young R, Smith K, Nguyen TN, Kidney J, Kuan L, Jeromin A,Kaykas A, Miller J, Page D, Orta G, Bernard A, Riley Z, Smith S, Wohnoutka P, Hawrylycz MJ, Puelles L, Jones AR, A high-resolution spatiotemporal atlas of gene expression of the developing mouse brain. Neuron. 2014 Jul 16;83(2):309-23
1*J:307862 Wilkerson BA, Zebroski HL, Finkbeiner CR, Chitsazan AD, Beach KE, Sen N, Zhang RC, Bermingham-McDonogh O, Novel cell types and developmental lineages revealed by single-cell RNA-seq analysis of the mouse crista ampullaris. Elife. 2021 May 18;10:e60108
1J:196042 Yamagishi S, Hampel F, Hata K, Del Toro D, Schwark M, Kvachnina E, Bastmeyer M, Yamashita T, Tarabykin V, Klein R, Egea J, FLRT2 and FLRT3 act as repulsive guidance cues for Unc5-positive neurons. EMBO J. 2011 Jul 20;30(14):2920-33
1J:327333 Yang KY, Zhao S, Feng H, Shen J, Chen Y, Wang ST, Wang SJ, Zhang YX, Wang Y, Guo C, Liu H, Tang TS, Ca(2+) homeostasis maintained by TMCO1 underlies corpus callosum development via ERK signaling. Cell Death Dis. 2022 Aug 4;13(8):674
1J:271541 Yung AR, Druckenbrod NR, Cloutier JF, Wu Z, Tessier-Lavigne M, Goodrich LV, Netrin-1 Confines Rhombic Lip-Derived Neurons to the CNS. Cell Rep. 2018 Feb 13;22(7):1666-1680

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